Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Discussion of Problems of Land About Land Consolidation

Today felt so increasing housing needs of the community in accordance with the demands of population growth and community needs. To meet these needs is provided through a housing development which was held by the government, private and community groups.

However, not all requests can be fulfilled because besides too many people's purchasing power and their locations are not yet available equally. Therefore, in reality many communities, land owners take advantage of its land fragmented into kaplingan land to be built to meet their housing needs. Solving the land owners according to their own tastes (ignore the laws and regulations applicable), then what happens is things that are not in accordance with the principles of environment management such as: the existence of an impasse, a path, not etratur parcels, parcels of land are not getting the road , unavailability of land for public facilities / social, and so forth. That way if not controlled early on then there will be an environment that does not irregular / chaotic even shabby, jia already so it will be more difficult handling of various aspects.

Besides many other facts are also the owners of land that has been breaking ground in many areas of existing facilities such as housing development, to get a permit to build the site self-petitioned for permission to Regents of land consolidation.

On the basis of these things so that the public perception of land consolidation with the existing rules sebagimana provisions in the Head of National Land Agency No. 4 of 1991 on Land Consolidation, the Regional Land Control Department (DPPD) conduct discussions with the special problems of land "Land Consolidation", this is intended as an effort to improve knowledge and the same perception of Sleman District Government employees, especially Tim allotment of Land Use Permit.

Implementation of this land discussions aimed at improving the knowledge of the WTO, especially Tim IPPT about land consolidation policy, every decision is expected to determine the location of land consolidation permission by either the government or self-help can be implemented as appropriate.
The goal of discussion was held on Tuesday Lands dated July 20, 2010 held at the Land Control Office of Sleman regency with the keynote speakers and discussant Mr Sanusi, SH, M. Hum (Head of BPN P & PT Special Region of Yogyakarta) and Mr Dr. Oloan Sitorusl (Assistant Chief I STPN Yogyakarta). While discussants terdirir invite relevant agencies of DPPD, Office Pup, the Office of the KDP, SDEM Office, Land Office, Tax Office, Ministry of Environment, Law Section of the Regional Secretariat and the Districts and Villages.

Preventable Hard Land Conversion


Preventable Hard Land Conversion

Growth in the housing area in Sleman Rapid threaten agricultural land conversion. It is not separated from existence as one of the district of Sleman in Yogyakarta province which became the main objective of the investors to invest their capital.

"If not done a prevention, regulation, or control of land use in Sleman district, of course, the phenomenon of land conversion on a large scale in the future can cause serious problems for the environment. More and more land covered by buildings , the ability to absorb water in the soil will decrease and runoff will increase which can result in drought in the dry season and floods in the rainy season, "said Head of Department of Land Use Control Land Area (DPPD) Sleman Ir. Rin Andrijani, MT, Thursday (14 / 7) interrupted activities aspiration with the theme of 'The Problem of Judicial, Institutional, Technical and Public and Private Participation in the Implementation of Land Use Policy' in Kelapa Gading Resto.

Aspirations expressed in the nets, it is essentially difficult to prevent land conversion for development policy aimed at pursuing economic growth. Still there is a weakness in the existing regulations are also an obstacle, especially related to issues of law and sanction violations of strength as well as SOP enforcement rules against inappropriate land conversion mechanism. Though badly needed to support the implementation of juridical approach, upholding the rule of law today is still very weak. Implementation of self-governing causes of regulations issued centrally lacks legal force, and impressed those regulations conflict with the phenomenon of conversion of land that can not be avoided for economic growth is still the goal of development.

Therefore, Pemkab Sleman through DPPD trying to achieve land use management system and its control through instruments that have been established, both in the juridical, technical, and institutional and active participation of all stakeholders, both local Tools Organization (WTO), the private (investors and developers), associations of land deed, academics from universities, and society in general.
In the nets aspirations stated that, one of the obstacles encountered in the process of controlling soil is not the enactment of the Spatial Planning and Regional Planning (RTRW) Sleman regency which raises the difficulty to prevent changes in land use. The role of districts in monitoring and supervision of land use changes into a dilemma since there is no frame of reference for regional development.

Beware Buy Houses In Sleman

The number of houses in Sleman enough consumer demand to be more observant and careful to buy a house in Sleman. More than 700 locations in Sleman existing housing that has been permitted through the IPPT. However, please note the new IPPT an initial license and must be accompanied by other permits, among others siteplan and IMB. Licensing process is the responsibility of housing developers and not the consumer obligations. For the full permissions of housing that has been marked by the publication of IMB for each unit of existing homes.

In accordance with Perbub No. 11 of 2007 on Housing Development, then every developer in the construction of residential housing must meet the following requirements: 1) permit the use of land (IPT) or permit the location (IL); 2) acquisition of land; 3) preparation of environmental documents; 4 ) ratification siteplan; 5) solving the certificate; and 6) building permits (IMB).

From this process, then after getting the IPT / IL developer doing the acquisition of land by disposal of land rights from landowners to developers before the Head of the Land Office or Notary or the Head. Disposal of land rights must be conducted within a period of IPT / IL is given. After the release, the developer did request Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) until later in the HGB parent on behalf of the developer for all the vastness of land held. With HGB owned, developer siteplan filed for approval in the Office of Public Construction and Housing. Siteplan must meet the provisions stipulated in Perbup Number 18/Per.Bup/A/2005 about building and environmental requirements. If Siteplan been approved, subsequently adjusted to the certificate-solving process that has been approved siteplan authorized officer. Fractional certificate is HGB pengambang behalf. Last mandatory requested building permit (IMB) for each housing unit built.

Home construction is correct if all of the above process has been passed by the developers, so the physical construction of housing is rising IMB per unit after house. While the housing development that preceded the issuance of permits prior to the above to watch out by prospective home buyers. Many cases developers are not responsible for the licensing of housing is done, so it is very harmful to consumers. Many residential consumers that have moved into a house he bought, but do not hold legal permits for the house occupied. There are even those who occupy the house for so many years holds no proof of land ownership (certificate) that bought and held only a receipt of purchase or sale and purchase agreements entered who did not have a strong force of law.

It should be emphasized that housing permits are the responsibility of the developer, so that residential consumers have bought a house in a state of complete and livable legaitas permission. The cases that occurred developers do not finish the permit, which is responsible for his obligations, so that consumers have come to bear. That never happened, in the maintenance of IPT / IL developers do not want to pay his IPPT retribution, so that asking consumers to come to bear, as well as its governance siteplan and IMB, while the developer ran away from responsibility. Could not be contacted and his office no longer exists or closed. With cases like the above, of course, very harmful to consumers, developers, government akbibat act also subject to impact, because people are asking aduannya to the government.

Developers are expected to not only seek profit without regard to the obligations of developers and housing consumer rights that must be met. All matters relating to the completeness of the legality of licensing will actually improve the competitiveness of the housing itself and housing developers in the eyes of consumers. Developers and location of housing that will complete their legality, and ogled the prospective buyers have more selling points. Housing marketing is supposed to be done with honest and candid so that consumers get the housing in accordance with the promotion being offered. Including the legality of the permission process has been and will be related to housing construction, to be submitted to prospective buyers.

To anticipate this, through Perbub 11 Year 2007 as above, article 16, then every developer of residential housing developers must have a certificate issued by the competent authorities and institutions or associations incorporated in the housing developers were valid under laws and regulations. Hopefully, with this requirement, the developer has a moral responsibility to make housing development and marketing with full responsibility. Both the responsibility to the association or to the consumer buyer housing.
In addition to the residential houses, the houses are sold outside persorangan private housing should be considered potential buyers, especially the houses located in the middle of rice fields. It is possible that the houses are standing on the ground rice cultivation, the status field, so that appropriate regulations are not true and it violates the function of conservation. Buildings can only be established on the soil yard and had to get permission to construct a building (MB). Houses have stood on the ground that the yard can be seen in evidence a certificate, that the status of the soil yard and there IMB

SUPPORTS CONTROL SOIL Council urges Discuss Raperda Spatial

Chairman of Commission A DPRD Sleman H Rendradi Suprihandoko SH MH reminded, for the prevention and control of conversion of land use there should be a strong political policy of the regents selected. Moreover Sleman already have the technical department which administers control over the land.

"We do not agree that these technical services targeted to boost revenue (PAD), Sleman. Given the mission of this agency to control land use itself, "said Rendradi told reporters in his office, Tuesday (20 / 7).

Explained, in fact the council had repeatedly asked for an executive RAPERDA immediately submit a draft plan for discussion Sleman. The problem is, these regulations will be similar to reference the parent perda-perda other regulations in environmental governance and development in Sleman.

"We agree that there needs to be a joint commitment between local government and stakeholders and the general public, that conversion of land should be controlled through regulation of both systemic and strict law enforcement and widespread support from the community. Because without it, governments will be increasingly difficult to control land conversion, "explained the former chairman of this council.

It also, in a broader environmental perspective, of course Pemkab Sleman proud as a region capable of managing the environment as well as build their regions and play a role as well as bringing benefits to the regions bordering other regions. This is a noble mission environment for human life and natural surroundings.

"A Commission fully supports the soil in Sleman control program in order to realize a truly environmentally sound development and residents can enjoy life comfortably. In order to stay awake Sleman environment, very reasonable if provincial government and the DPRD DIY also more concerned with making policy that could promote the establishment of the concept of environmentally sound development, "he added.

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Regent degree Taraweeh On First Day inhabit House Office

First occupied Sleman Regent Official House, Drs. Sri Purnomo, MSI, held a joint Eid Hall Regent Official House, Tuesday, August 10, 2010 with approximately 600 pilgrims attended.

This is the beginning of Eid Official House occupies with his family during the running duties as Regent of Sleman.Sri Purnomo beg your blessings so that the housing accommodation occupied during the next five years are full of blessing, salvation and no obstruction of any kind. And hope that in carrying out duties as Regent of Sleman period 2010 - 2015 could fulfill their duty well and can achieve a more prosperous society Sleman.Attending the ceremony were the Vice Regent of Sleman Hj. Satia Yuni Rahayu, SS. M. Hum. Chairman of the DPRD Sleman, Muspida, officials in Sleman regency, a District, and the surrounding community Sekcam Regent Official House.

In addition, the Regents also expect the support and cooperation of all officials and the community. So the government can carry out the development of Sleman District and serve the community well and smoothly. In addition, the entire community of Sleman expected to participate actively in development.

Regent also said that this joint activity initiated tarawih tarawih safari activities for Sleman district government officials.Taraweeh own safari, planned to be held in 17 districts.

Meanwhile, in tausiahnya, Drs. H. Parwoto, BcHK, said that all charitable berbuatan find ikhlas determined by the implement.Similarly, in occupying a position as a leader, must be based on find ikhlas. Concerning the coming of Ramadan, H. Ramdhan Parwoto revealed that the Moon is the perfect month for introspection, so they can judge themselves to capital to improve. At the end tausiahnya, H Parwoto, expects that under the leadership of Sleman Purnomo and Yuni Sri Rahayu Satiya, get ridlo Allah SWT, and a society that bardatun physical and spiritual prosperity.

Activities together tarawih evening began with prayer 'and imam tarwih with Drs. H. Wasito. The event ended with a prayer led by KH. Muhammadiyah chairman Muhtar Choliq Sleman.

Regents Give Kultum The Great Mosque

Mitigation of poverty is the responsibility of us all, so among other things delivered Sleman Regent, Drs. Sri Purnomo, MSI when giving tausiyah or kultum to congregational prayers in the Great Mosque Dhuhr Sudiro Husodo, on Thursday, August 12, 2010.

One of the wisdom of fasting is a growing lack of empathy for other people's condition."With the feeling of hunger and thirst, then we can feel how they felt poor or lacking" said Sri Purnomo. Therefore, the Regents asked the pilgrims to menumbuhsuburkan shodaqoh, infaq and alms. Moreover, the good deeds in the month of ramadan as infaq, zakat and shodaqoh doubled the reward will be given by Allah SWT.

According to Sri Purnomo, the Koran teaches Muslims to empathize with others, especially the condition of the shortage. Muslims are taught to have kabiasaan and culture of giving. The provision in the form of compulsory, namely charity, or that the sunnah is in the form infaq and shodaqoh. The command to give this same value with the command Prayer. "Let's check it again, every command must be juxtaposed with the Zakat Salat, and the number reached 86 in the Quran verse" exclaimed the Regent. Moreover, continued Sri Purnomo, about the treasure we have, God reminded in the Qur'an that we have in the property there is a right or a part of people can not afford.

If culture has become a habit of giving the Muslims will be more easily alleviated poverty. These poor households have together helped to become capable and powerful family.Poverty reduction can not only be done by a range of government alone. Problem of poverty is a problem whose solution requires the cooperation of all parties including the public, especially among Muslims as the majority race.

Beware Buy Houses In Sleman

The number of houses in Sleman enough consumer demand to be more observant and careful to buy a house in Sleman. More than 700 locations in Sleman existing housing that has been permitted through the IPPT. However, please note the new IPPT an initial license and must be accompanied by other permits, among others siteplan and IMB. Licensing process is the responsibility of housing developers and not the consumer obligations. For the full permissions of housing that has been marked by the publication of IMB for each unit of existing homes.

In accordance with Perbub No. 11 of 2007 on Housing Development, then every developer in the construction of residential housing must meet the following requirements: 1) permit the use of land (IPT) or permit the location (IL); 2) acquisition of land; 3) preparation of environmental documents; 4 ) ratification siteplan; 5) solving the certificate; and 6) building permits (IMB).

From this process, then after getting the IPT / IL developer doing the acquisition of land by disposal of land rights from landowners to developers before the Head of the Land Office or Notary or the Head. Disposal of land rights must be conducted within a period of IPT / IL is given. After the release, the developer did request Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) until later in the HGB parent on behalf of the developer for all the vastness of land held. With HGB owned, developer siteplan filed for approval in the Office of Public Construction and Housing. Siteplan must meet the provisions stipulated in Perbup Number 18/Per.Bup/A/2005 about building and environmental requirements. If Siteplan been approved, subsequently adjusted to the certificate-solving process that has been approved siteplan authorized officer. Fractional certificate is HGB pengambang behalf. Last mandatory requested building permit (IMB) for each housing unit built.

Home construction is correct if all of the above process has been passed by the developers, so the physical construction of housing is rising IMB per unit after house. While the housing development that preceded the issuance of permits prior to the above to watch out by prospective home buyers. Many cases developers are not responsible for the licensing of housing is done, so it is very harmful to consumers. Many residential consumers that have moved into a house he bought, but do not hold legal permits for the house occupied. There are even those who occupy the house for so many years holds no proof of land ownership (certificate) that bought and held only a receipt of purchase or sale and purchase agreements entered who did not have a strong force of law.

It should be emphasized that housing permits are the responsibility of the developer, so that residential consumers have bought a house in a state of complete and livable legaitas permission. The cases that occurred developers do not finish the permit, which is responsible for his obligations, so that consumers have come to bear. That never happened, in the maintenance of IPT / IL developers do not want to pay his IPPT retribution, so that asking consumers to come to bear, as well as its governance siteplan and IMB, while the developer ran away from responsibility. Could not be contacted and his office no longer exists or closed. With cases like the above, of course, very harmful to consumers, developers, government akbibat act also subject to impact, because people are asking aduannya to the government.

Developers are expected to not only seek profit without regard to the obligations of developers and housing consumer rights that must be met. All matters relating to the completeness of the legality of licensing will actually improve the competitiveness of the housing itself and housing developers in the eyes of consumers. Developers and location of housing that will complete their legality, and ogled the prospective buyers have more selling points. Housing marketing is supposed to be done with honest and candid so that consumers get the housing in accordance with the promotion being offered. Including the legality of the permission process has been and will be related to housing construction, to be submitted to prospective buyers.

To anticipate this, through Perbub 11 Year 2007 as above, article 16, then every developer of residential housing developers must have a certificate issued by the competent authorities and institutions or associations incorporated in the housing developers were valid under laws and regulations. Hopefully, with this requirement, the developer has a moral responsibility to make housing development and marketing with full responsibility. Both the responsibility to the association or to the consumer buyer housing.
In addition to the residential houses, the houses are sold outside persorangan private housing should be considered potential buyers, especially the houses located in the middle of rice fields. It is possible that the houses are standing on the ground rice cultivation, the status field, so that appropriate regulations are not true and it violates the function of conservation. Buildings can only be established on the soil yard and had to get permission to construct a building (MB). Houses have stood on the ground that the yard can be seen in evidence a certificate, that the status of the soil yard and there IMB
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