Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Regents Give Kultum The Great Mosque

Mitigation of poverty is the responsibility of us all, so among other things delivered Sleman Regent, Drs. Sri Purnomo, MSI when giving tausiyah or kultum to congregational prayers in the Great Mosque Dhuhr Sudiro Husodo, on Thursday, August 12, 2010.

One of the wisdom of fasting is a growing lack of empathy for other people's condition."With the feeling of hunger and thirst, then we can feel how they felt poor or lacking" said Sri Purnomo. Therefore, the Regents asked the pilgrims to menumbuhsuburkan shodaqoh, infaq and alms. Moreover, the good deeds in the month of ramadan as infaq, zakat and shodaqoh doubled the reward will be given by Allah SWT.

According to Sri Purnomo, the Koran teaches Muslims to empathize with others, especially the condition of the shortage. Muslims are taught to have kabiasaan and culture of giving. The provision in the form of compulsory, namely charity, or that the sunnah is in the form infaq and shodaqoh. The command to give this same value with the command Prayer. "Let's check it again, every command must be juxtaposed with the Zakat Salat, and the number reached 86 in the Quran verse" exclaimed the Regent. Moreover, continued Sri Purnomo, about the treasure we have, God reminded in the Qur'an that we have in the property there is a right or a part of people can not afford.

If culture has become a habit of giving the Muslims will be more easily alleviated poverty. These poor households have together helped to become capable and powerful family.Poverty reduction can not only be done by a range of government alone. Problem of poverty is a problem whose solution requires the cooperation of all parties including the public, especially among Muslims as the majority race.

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